Co-Curricular Activities of Secondary Schools: A Comparative study of Public and Private Schools

Co-Curricular Activities of Secondary Schools


  • Dr. Imran Latif Saifi Institute of Online and Distance Learning College of Education University of South Africa


This study was conducted to examine the comparison between the co-curricular activities in public and private schools in Pretoria city, South Africa. This study was descriptive in nature and survey method was used for the study. There were total two hundred and fifty-six (256) female teachers from private and public secondary schools of Pretoria city. A questionnaire used as a research instrument to collect data from the female teachers of the public and private secondary schools. The researcher collected the data personally from teachers of secondary school in Pretoria city. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) used to analyzes the data and simple mean, frequency, and percentage used for the analysis of data. It was found that sports activities develop physical strength of students. It is recommended that teachers may make the morning assembly a center of interest by giving it strength and spirit.


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How to Cite

Saifi, D. I. L. (2023). Co-Curricular Activities of Secondary Schools: A Comparative study of Public and Private Schools : Co-Curricular Activities of Secondary Schools. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Education, 1(1). Retrieved from


