Manuscript Submission Guidelines
Authors submitting to a journal should not concurrently submit the manuscript to another journal, nor should the manuscript be published elsewhere in a substantially similar form or in substantially similar content. Authors who have questions about what constitutes prior publication should consult the editor. Submit all manuscripts electronically to the editorial team at
Research articles present important new research findings with broad implications. Research articles should include an abstract, introductory paragraph with a total text of no more than 6,000 words. Significant research articles may exceed 6,000 words at the editor's discretion. The methodology needs to be adequately described in the research article to warrant the results, but information should generally be included in supplemental online material to further support the paper's conclusions. All research articles are peer-reviewed.
Reviews/essays describe new developments of broad significance and highlight unresolved issues and future directions. Reviews/essays are research-based and aim to convey new developments in the state of knowledge and its implications, whether theoretical, empirical, or methodological. Reviews/essays should include an abstract, an introduction outlining the main points, a brief subtitle with a total text of no more than 5,000 words. All reviews/essays are peer-reviewed.
Checklist for the Preparation of Manuscript
As part of the submission process, authors must check that their submissions meet all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors who do not adhere to these guidelines.
In order to submit an article to IJETE, you need to be registered as an author. When registering, you need to explicitly tick the "Author" box, otherwise you'll only be registering as a reader and you won't see the "New Submission" option when you log in.
All submissions should follow the APA style. Submissions should be in Microsoft Word, WordPerfect or LaTeX format. Any supplemental files should be in Microsoft Word, WordPerfect or Excel format. Please do not upload PDF files. The manuscript should be in Times New Roman 10 point, single spaced, justified. Blank lines before and after headings and paragraphs are to be sized the same as text lines (i.e., Times New Roman 10 point).
Contact Information
Provide full contact information for all authors on the title page: name, institution, full street address, email address, telephone number. Indicate the corresponding author. The title page should be uploaded separately from the main manuscript file. No identifying information should be included in the main manuscript file to allow anonymous review.
All manuscripts should contain a 100-200 word abstract with complete summary of objectives, research methodology and major findings of the research.
All the manuscript should be in English language, no other than will be acceptable for IJETE. Manuscripts should be typed on 8.5” x 11” paper, upper and lower case with 1.5” margin from left side and 1” for remaining three sides. The manuscript should be in MS Word and WordPerfect format. Italics and symbols must be clearly marked in italics or underlining. Abbreviations and acronyms should be spelled out at the first mention.
Please use no more than 3 levels of heading and apply consistently.
First level. Times New Roman 12 point bold, left aligned, sentence case, followed by one blank line. Numbering of first level headings is not acceptable.
Second level. Times New Roman 10 point bold, left aligned, sentence case, followed by one blank line. Numbering of second level headings is not acceptable.
Third level. Use of a third level heading is discouraged. A bulleted or numbered list is our preferred alternative. If your work really requires a third level heading, use Times New Roman 10 point italic, left justified, sentence case, and not followed by a blank line.
Notes and References
Notes are used for interpretation or enlargement of textual material. They are distracting and expensive to set up and should be avoided if possible. They should be entered as normal text at the end of the text section of the manuscript, not as part of the footnote or endnote function of a computer program, and should be numbered consecutively throughout the text. The reference list contains only references cited in the text. Its accuracy and completeness are the responsibility of the authors. Reference each publicly available dataset with its title, author, date, and persistent web identifier, such as a digital object identifier (DOI). Examples of references to a book, a chapter in a book, and a journal article follow, formatted in APA style:
Bobrow, D. G., & Collins, A. M. (Eds.). (2009). Representation and understanding: Studies in cognitive science. New York: Academic Press.
Crothers, E. (1990). Memory structure and the recall of discourse. In R. O. Freedle & J. B. Carroll (Eds.), Language comprehension and the acquisition of knowledge (pp. 201–238). Washington, DC: Winston.
Frase, L. T. (2008). Questions as aids to reading: Some research and a theory. American Educational Research Journal, 5(2), 319–322.
Tables, Graphs, and Figures
The purpose of tables and graphs is to present data to the reader in a clear and unambiguous manner. Authors should not describe the data in the text in such detail that illustrations or text are redundant. Graphics and tables should be combined with text. Each table should start on a new page and be placed in the text of the manuscript. Tables will be typeset; they should be editable, not embedded as images. Image captions should be entered on a separate page.
Chief Editor: Dr. Ziarab Mahmood
ISSN (Print): 3007-2964
ISSN (Online): 3007-2972
Frequency: Quarterly