Review and Publication Policy

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Education has a two stage review process.

The first stage is an initial editorial review (also known as Desktop Review, Screening Review) by one of the lead editors, resulting in either a decision to send for peer review (stage 2) or an editorial rejection. Quantitative papers are also reviewed by an editor or specialist reviewer with statistical expertise prior to being sent out for peer review. The editorial review process normally takes 1-2 weeks, but can be longer for quantitative papers or during peak periods.

At this first stage of review, papers are assessed against the following criteria:

Step 1

  • Must be about education
  • Must be related to a tertiary education context
  • Appropriate format (not a jpg)
  • Must be within the guidelines for the word count

Step 2

  • Significant typographical and grammatical errors
  • Reference to recent literature (no references in the last 10 years)
  • Robust research
    • Valid research question
    • Conceptual framework
    • Appropriate methodology that aligns with theory
    • Appropriate data collection
    • Appropriate data analysis
    • Introducing new data in the conclusion
    • Needs to make a contribution to the field

If the paper passes Stage 2, an Associate Editor will be assigned to manage the review process. Here, two or more IJETE review panel members will be assigned to review the paper. Our review team consists of researchers and practitioners and other experienced researchers. Reviewers selected to review articles are nominated based on their experience, expertise, and interests aligned with the focus of the article.

IJETE uses a "double-blind peer review" process. That is, reviewers do not know the names and affiliations of authors, and authors do not know the names of reviewers assigned to their articles. Therefore, authors must first remove all identifying information from their paper. This includes removing citations in the text that enable reviewers to identify the author, such as references to the author's previously published work. If the paper is accepted for publication, name, institutional affiliation, and references may be added.

The article will be reviewed against the following criteria:

  • Quality of critical engagement with relevant literature (literature review and discussion)
  • Clarity of research and/or development goals
  • Clarity and justification of appropriate methodology
  • Quality of empirical data, analysis, presentation and interpretation of results
  • Inclusion of appropriate implications for further research, theory, practice and/or policy.
  • Quality of writing (including structure, writing style, clarity of expression) and adherence to IJETE formatting and referencing conventions.

If your article is deemed suitable for peer review, you would be notified of the peer review results within 1 months of submission. If the paper is accepted without requiring any changes, a notification of acceptance may be issued at this time. In most cases, revisions are required, and in some cases, an additional round of peer review is required after revisions. Articles take an average of 3 months from submission to publication.

In most cases, the notification of acceptance will be accompanied by suggestions for specific revisions, which may range from required for publication to optional suggestions for improving the article. In some cases, changes to figures and diagrams may be required to facilitate the production of PDF for publication.

Please remember that the IJETE editorial team and the reviewers are busy professionals who volunteer their time to the journal.