Role of Discussion Method in Developing Logical Reasoning in Students at University Level


  • Saima Kayani Department of Education, University of Kotli Azad Jammu and Kashmir
  • Aneela Tariq Department of Education, University of Kotli, AJ&K



Discussion Method, Logical Reasoning, Inductive Reasoning, Detective Reasoning


This study was conducted to find out the role of discussion method in developing logical reasoning in students at university level. The current study was quantitative and descriptive in nature and survey method was conducted for the data collection. Simple random sampling technique was used for the selection of sample. A questionnaire based on five-point Likert scale was used as a research tool in this study. The researcher personally visited all the department of faculty of social sciences in university of Kotli Azad Jammu and Kashmir and collected the data. Statistical package for Social Science software (SPSS) was used for the analysis of data. The researcher applied frequency, percentage and mean for the analysis of data. It was found that students find it easy to draw conclusions from patterns and trends that they observe and students faced new information that they often make educated guesses about what might happen next. It is recommended that teachers may involve students in different activities according to the patterns and trends, and teacher encourage them.


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How to Cite

Kayani, S., & Tariq, A. (2023). Role of Discussion Method in Developing Logical Reasoning in Students at University Level. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Education, 1(3), 16–29.