The Value of Developing Competency Models

Value of Developing Competency Models


  • Rema Javed PhD Scholar, Department of Business Administration, Lincoln University College, Malaysia
  • Amiya Bhaumik Vice-Chancellor, Lincoln University College, Malaysia
  • Imran Latif Saifi Lecturer, The Islamia University Bahawalpur, Pakistan



competencies, competency model, employee development


Individual qualities have played an important part in determining performance among workers. The rapid development of technology and the degree of automation that has taken place have changed the criteria for proficiency in the workplace today. The skills needed to boost performance, sustain prevailing levels of living, and accommodate to market adjustments are highlighted in the Council Recommendation on Core Abilities for Lifetime of Learning which was developed by the European Commission in 2018.  The objectives of this investigation are to outline the key concepts that constitute real models of competency and to evaluate the benefits of their growth and development. This study is an analysis of construction-related literature. A foundation in literature to support the investigation's empirical research portion in the future. The main findings of the research are four hypotheses on how the actual implementation of competence models impacts learners' performance and attitude. One of these ideas is using the notion of competency in the creation and implementation of training programs. The successful implementation of complete competency-based training courses in a particular industry cannot be assured by the adoption of broad competency models.


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How to Cite

Javed, R., Bhaumik, A. ., & Saifi, I. L. (2023). The Value of Developing Competency Models: Value of Developing Competency Models. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Education, 1(2), 12–21.