Relationship between Social and Academic Adjustment: A Study of Female University Students in Azad Jammu and Kashmir
Social Adjustment, Social Skills, Social Support, Self Confidence, Academic Adjustment, Prior Academic Preparation, Teacher Student RelationshipAbstract
The study was conducted to determine the relationship between social and academic adjustment of university-level female students AJ&K. The study was quantitative and descriptive in nature and survey method was employed together data from the respondents. The population of the study consisted of BS level students from University of Kotli AJ&K. The researcher selected 160 students as the sample using simple random sampling technique. The researcher personally visited university of Kotli and collected the data. In order to analyze the data, the researcher used frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. It was concluded that respondents feel nervous in front of teachers also they are good in academic work and they stated that academic work difficult in university. It is recommended that administration may encourage open communication between students and teachers to create a supportive environment.
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