School Climate and Academic Achievement: An Investigation of Secondary School Students


  • Asghar Abbas School Education Department, Punjab, Pakistan



School Climate, Academic Achievement, Secondary Level


This study was conducted to find out the role of school climate in promoting academic achievement of students. The study was descriptive in nature and survey method was used. The population of the study were consisted of two hundred and sixty (260) female and male teachers from government secondary schools of tehsil Kotli. The researcher used simple random sampling technique for the selection of sample. The researcher selected one hundred and fifty four (154) female and male teachers as a sample of the study. The researcher developed a five-point Likert-scale questionnaire as the research instrument of the study. Data were collected by personal visits. The collected data was analyzed through SPSS by using mean score, frequency and percentage. It was found that school provide safe environment for students at school and students treat each other’s with respect and the school environment is free from intimidation. It is recommended that educators build up respectful behavior among students through structured curriculum, teacher modeling, and partner intervention, and actively create a positive school climate to ensure conducive learning environment for academic achievement.


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How to Cite

Abbas, A. (2023). School Climate and Academic Achievement: An Investigation of Secondary School Students. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Education, 1(3), 55–68.