Role of Co-Curricular Activities in Students’ Behavior Formation at Secondary School Level

Role of Co-Curricular Activities in Students’ Behavior Formation


  • Makhdoom Ali Syed University of Kotli Azad Jammu and Kashmir
  • Usman Akram University of Kotli, AJ&K


Co-curricular Activities, Students Behavior Formation, Academic Performance, Secondary School


The study was conducted to check the role of co-curricular activities in students’ behavior formation at secondary school level. The study descriptive in nature and survey method used to collect the data. The population was all of the secondary level students of Tehsil Sehnsa of district Kotli AJ&K. The total population of Secondary school students were 302. Simple random sampling technique was used to draw the sample. Five-Point Liker Scale questionnaire was developed for students and teachers. SPSS (Statistical Software for Social Sciences) was used to examine the data in terms of frequency and percentage. It was found that co-curricular activities develop students’ time management skills. Moreover, it helps students to complete their work within time. Co-curricular activities help students to focus their timely efforts on things that are important and also increase the time management efficiency in students to complete the essential task of education or personal life. It is recommended that teachers may organize the co-curricular activities as continuously base for improving the students’ management skills. It is also recommended that teacher may engage students to develop problem solving skill in academic matter, communication and collaborative abilities through co-curricular activities.


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2023-07-09 — Updated on 2023-07-09

How to Cite

Syed, M. A., & Akram, U. (2023). Role of Co-Curricular Activities in Students’ Behavior Formation at Secondary School Level: Role of Co-Curricular Activities in Students’ Behavior Formation. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Education, 1(1). Retrieved from


