Activity Based Teaching Techniques: A Survey on the Improvement of Students Performances at Primary Level


  • Sara Abid School of Education, Minhaj University Lahore
  • Jawaira Masood University of Kotli, AJ&K



Activity Based Teaching Techniques, Students’ Performances, Primary level


This study was conducted to find out the role of activity based Teaching techniques to improve students’ performances at primary level. The nature of the current study was quantitative and survey method was employed to collect data. The populations of the study consisted of three hundred and twelve (312) female teachers and 175 teachers selected as a sample by using random sampling technique. In this study the researcher developed a questionnaire based on five-point Likert scale. Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) was utilized to analyze the data. The researcher used frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. It is concluded that primary school teachers’ use puzzles for better understanding of students and they improve curiosity of students and also use multimedia tools for presentation which helps to enhance students understanding. It is recommended that teachers may use multimedia tools for presentations, which help in enhancing student’s understanding.


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How to Cite

Abid, S., & Masood, J. . (2024). Activity Based Teaching Techniques: A Survey on the Improvement of Students Performances at Primary Level. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Education, 2(1), 33–45.


